So…what is the Monday Poll?

No, to nie je presne anketa. Je to oveľa viac z neustále sa vyvíjajúcej (devoling?), Trochu náhodný zoznam otázok, ktoré som uviedol čitateľovi každé pondelok ráno za posledných 11 (!) Rokov. (Je to ako Kickstart pre váš mozog.) Vždy som potešil čítanie vašich odpovedí v komentároch, a dúfam, že ste potešili v čítaní bane.

1. I believe in the healing power of…


2. would you rather have 20 pieces of extremely cute costume jewelry or one valuable, classic piece of fine jewelry?

So, I’m broken because I know myself really well, and I know that I tend to lose jewelry, so the 20 pieces are really tempting because I would probably wear each piece until I lost it, and repeat the cycle until I went through all 20 pieces.


Of course, if I chose the important jewelry, I could hawk it at a stylish pawn shop and possibly purchase myself a new sink.

3. how well do you think you could drive a semi truck?

If push concerned shove and, say, I were in a Sandra Bullock speed situation, I could work it out.

I would need the pressure, though, in purchase to rise to the occasion.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

4. how do you feel about graffiti?

I have mixed feelings about it. I remember commuting into the city from my parents’ house in Union City back in the day and seeing graffiti along the side of the freeway and the sides of buildings and thinking that there’s a charm to the color and the angles and the energy of the art, but I’ll be driving through town now and see someone label somebody’s fence and think to myself, Oh, hell no. If that were my fence I’d be so mad.

5. If I could look inside your middle school or high school Caboodle, what makeup (if any) would I find?

Let’s do high school because that’s when my collection was bigger and much much more interesting. In freshman year I had a bunch of Clinique goodies in my pink and mint green Caboodle. They were my prized possessions. I had a magenta blush, which I believe was called new Clover; two eyeshadows (One pink and one bright blue… It was very late ’80s.) and a magenta lipstick.

I’m also 99% sure I had a Clinique loose powder, too.

My collection was small by today’s standards, but I think a lot of girls today have much more makeup because they have access to much more information, like YouTube videos and the Internet (obvs), but it was enough for me back then.

The Oscars!

Did you view last night? I don’t have cable television TV anymore so I checked the results on my phone throughout the evening, and even though I haven’t viewed many of the nominated films (life with a two year old!), I was pleased to see Allison Janey and Sam Rockwell take home awards because I’ve always thought they were great.

If there was an award for best cat lady in a real Life Drama, I would hope that I would at least have a combating chance at winning.

Vaše priateľské kúzlo kúzlo,



P.S. Tu sú otázky na skopírovanie a pastu s odpoveďami v komentári:

1. I believe in the healing power of…
2. would you rather have 20 pieces of extremely cute costume jewelry or one valuable, classic piece of fine jewelry
3. how well do you think you could drive a semi truck?
4. how do you feel about graffiti?
5. If I could look inside your middle school or high school Caboodle, what makeup (if any) would I find?

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